00 Police ki Pathshala: Educating Kanpur’s Youth on the Safe Use of Mobile and Social Media

Amar Ujala Foundation’s initiative, Police ki Pathshala, continued its mission to educate young minds about safety and responsibility in the digital age at Pratap International School, Kanpur. The event featured a significant interaction between students and the Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (ADCP) West Vijendra Dwivedi, who addressed the merits and pitfalls of modern mobile technology.

During his talk, ADCP discussed the dual aspects of mobile phones, pointing out that while they are a valuable educational tool, they also pose risks if misused. He cautioned students about the increasing prevalence of social media scams and stressed the importance of being vigilant. “It is crucial that both students and parents remain alert to avoid falling prey to online frauds, which often arise from greed and the lure of easy profits,” he said.

Highlighting practical measures for cyber safety, the ADCP Vijendra urged students to use the toll-free number 1930 to report any cybercrime incidents. “Immediate reporting can help prevent the escalation of these crimes and protect others in the community,” he added.

The event also covered the responsible use of platforms like Facebook, with advice on how to handle and protest against any criminal activities encountered online. The ADCP Vijendra Dwivedi reinforced the importance of civic responsibilities such as adhering to traffic rules and wearing helmets to prevent accidents.

The interactive session saw enthusiastic participation from the students, with numerous queries about online safety and legal procedures. One student inquired about the steps to take if inappropriate content is uploaded to platforms like YouTube. The ADCP Vijendra responded, “In many cases, the perpetrator is someone close to the victim. It is important not to be intimidated and to report such incidents to the cyber cell or through the UP Police’s official website.”

Another student asked about the difference between a Non-Cognizable Report (NCR) and a First Information Report (FIR). The ADCP clarified that an NCR is filed for lesser offenses where police intervention is limited unless directed by a magistrate, whereas an FIR is lodged for more serious crimes that require immediate investigation and subsequent action.

Police ki Pathshala at Pratap International School not only educated students about cyber safety but also empowered them with knowledge to navigate the complexities of the digital world responsibly.


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