00 Amar Ujala Foundation's "Police ki Pathshala" Promotes Responsible Social Media Use and Legal Awareness in Auraiya
Police ki Pathshala

In an educational outreach, Amar Ujala Foundation organized a session of "Police ki Pathshala" at M.S. Inter College in Umrain, Auraiya, focusing on legal literacy and responsible social media use among students. CO Bidhuna Ashok Kumar was the chief guest, providing valuable insights into the practical aspects of law enforcement and social media etiquette.

During the event, CO Kumar discussed the meaningful use of social media in educational pursuits and warned against its excessive use, which he noted could be harmful. He highlighted how social media should be used wisely to enhance learning rather than detract from it.

A vital part of the session was dedicated to raising awareness about the UP police system. CO Kumar shared essential helpline numbers and discussed the police's role in community safety. He also used real-life examples to underscore the importance of adhering to traffic rules, linking adherence to safety and the prevention of accidents.

The interaction became particularly engaging when students posed questions about societal and legal issues. A senior student raised a concern about the presence of women police officers in stations, particularly to aid women from rural areas in reporting incidents. CO Kumar reassured the audience that every police station in Uttar Pradesh has a women's help desk, staffed by female officers to assist women effectively.

Another poignant moment came when a tenth-grader questioned the alleged discrimination in legal proceedings based on social and economic status. CO Kumar responded, emphasizing the impartiality of the law, which treats every individual equally regardless of their status, ensuring justice is served uniformly across the board.

The session not only addressed key issues but also fostered a dialogue between young citizens and law enforcement, aiming to build a more informed and respectful society.


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